Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording is an AI-driven platform that helps your team transcribe, summarize, search, and analyze voice conversations from meetings. Used by over 300,000 organizations, captures video and audio recordings along with AI-powered notes, making it easy to review and collaborate on meeting content. With features like automatic transcription, action items detection, AI-powered search, and conversation intelligence, transforms how you manage and analyze your meetings across platforms like Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, and more.

Hand picked by experts

Hand picked by experts

Hand picked by experts

We chose for its comprehensive and automated approach to managing meeting notes and transcriptions. It's efficient, user-friendly, and perfect for enhancing collaboration and productivity.

Key Features

Key Features

  • Automatic Transcription & Summarization: Capture and transcribe meetings across Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, and more. Get automatic meeting notes, action items, and summaries.

  • AI-Powered Search: Quickly find key topics, tasks, and metrics within your meetings with AI-powered search functionality.

  • Collaboration Tools: Add comments, pins, and reactions to specific parts of conversations, and share soundbites and meeting notes to collaboration apps like Slack, Notion, and Asana.

  • Conversation Intelligence: Analyze meetings with metrics like speaker talk time, sentiment, and monologues to improve sales, recruiting, and internal processes.

  • Workflow Automation: Log call notes, activities, and recordings in your CRM, create tasks with voice commands, and share meeting recaps to collaboration tools.

  • Real-Time Knowledge Base: Organize meetings into channels, ensure information is quickly discoverable, and set custom privacy controls for data security.

  • Flexible Capture Methods: Invite Notetaker to meetings, upload audio files, capture in-person meetings, and transcribe phone calls made using dialers.

  • Integration with Collaboration Tools: Seamlessly integrate with CRM and collaboration apps like Salesforce, HubSpot, Slack, and Zapier.



  • Enhance Collaboration: Easily review, comment on, and share meeting notes and key moments with your team.

  • Save Time: Automate the process of taking meeting notes, transcribing, and summarizing, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

  • Improve Meeting Analysis: Use conversation intelligence to gain insights into meeting dynamics and performance.

  • Streamline Workflows: Automatically log notes and create tasks in your preferred tools, keeping your team aligned and informed.

  • Increase Accessibility: Make meeting content easily accessible and searchable for all team members.

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